SAVE THE ICEBERGS w Ice-Train Planetary Engineering

NOTE - Icecap is clockwise gyroscope. Two years to go around. Greenland and Baffin Island break the icecap. Leaves iceberg safe space around the Alaska and Canada border.

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  09-24-22 - New idea. No brainer. Build Nares Strait. Sea Wall with rubble. Get the rubble, pyramid-style, nearby. Once Nares Strait is blocked off, Baffin Bay turns into Baffin Lake, and the icebergs are easily controlled and guided. Figure could definitely make pretty good progress within 20 years, as long as you pick the best place. Can also fill ships with rubble and sink.

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Think Iceberg-Trains are the way to go. With lots of Cruise Ship Horsepower... Then release, and let the clock-wise currents carry the iceberg-trains to the Bering Strait, Sea-Wall Ocean-Current Flow-Device. And eventually to the Greenland Sea, where the icebergs can then get recycled back into the Arctic Ocean, in true Planetary Engineering Fashion. If people care enough, the icebergs will last forever.

Logic here is to use Jones Sound as a staging area, to eventually run iceberg trains into the Arctic Ocean, through the narrow outlet on the NW side. Presumably in late summer or early fall. From there the ice-trains look almost guaranteed to eventually flow to the Bering Strait, in the slipstream, and hopefully not get side-tracked. Or sink any ships. But if so, then it doesn't really matter, since at least they don't melt.

Jones Sound is roughly

Reflect sunlight back into outer-space
Help keep Hudson Bay frozen over, for longer each year
Iceberg Building Material - Planetary Engineering
Turn Hudson Bay into gigantic ice cube

More or less, Greenland and the various Arctic Sea Islands block the main ocean current, the Clockwise Beauford-Gyre. So the currents just off the coast typically go in odd directions, or opposite, which is counter-clockwise. Hence, with a little bit of help the Iceberg Trains can stay in the Iceberg Safe Space forever.

BUILD SPACE MIRROR w ICEBERG RINGS - Arrange the icebergs into a big circle, then fill up the middle with fresh water. To make Humongous Ice Cubes, to rival the Pyramids and eventually rival the Great Wall of China. They will get so big they will never melt. Ever.

Block warm water flow into Bering Strait
Create systems of ice structures to control and alter ocean currents and the flow of ice

Become knowledgeable about using icebergs for Planetary Engineering purposes

They have massive horsepower, and can easily tow the iceberg trains around. Then, when they get too creaky, turn the ships into sea walls

If possible, this would shut off much of the southward flow of water through Baffin Bay. Could be curious, to eventually turn Nares Strait into a glacier. Better make sure it is strong though. Since, if it is weak, then it could fail all at once...
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Save the

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04-18-21 - Thule AF Base - Nunavut - Coral Harbor - Akulivik - Puvirnituq - Inukjuak - Umiujaq - Kuujjuarapik - Moononee - Peawanuck - Fort Severn - Arviat - Nuajaat

10-31-20 - Have been really big over the past several years on saving the icebergs as a solution to global warming. Also using the icebergs as a floating wall. Apparently a typical iceberg weighs around 100,000 tons. Or about the weight of an aircraft carrier. So it shouldn't be too hard to push them or tow them. Could even attach remote motors onto them to get them to move. Plus if you understand the currents that helps too.

Turns out when the icebergs fall off of Greenland they go north to the top of Baffin Bay, then cross the bay to Canada and then float south past Newfoundland. There is also Thule AFB up there, now part of Space Force. And right across is an enclosed body of water called Jones Sound. Which is pretty big and pretty deep, and also shallow in some places. So the idea is to push the icebergs into Jones Sound, where they will last a long long time. They also do some reflecting, and cooling and so forth, and could presumably help encourage glacier formation and retention.

Problem with the idea, as usual, is scale. Probably won't do anything on a wider scale, even if practiced on a large scale. But can't imagine hiring perhaps 50 tug boats is such a big expense. And what you end up with is an iceberg garden. Which sounds pretty cool on its own. So don't see anything wrong. At worst it is a boondoggle on a relatively small scale. At best it introduces Planetary Engineering to the Arctic. Which is probably a good idea all on its own.

Extending the idea and you get carving down the best icebergs into ice walls, that you can then possibly use to control currents. Perhaps you can even shave them down and link them together into iceberg trains that you can maneuver through the Arctic. Which actually sounds pretty cool all by itself. This leads to blocking the Bering Strait, to keep out the warm water away from the polar ice cap in the summer. Or likewise to contain areas of ice between Greenland and Norway like gigantic ice fences. Or anchoring icebergs in key locations to prevent the polar ice cap from drifting too far south. Could also use icebergs to block passages between islands, if that can help in some way. Can think of all of this as a 100 year project.

Also... I don't really understand polar ice. And all this talk about thinning and so forth. But it seems to me that the main issue is that the ice on the edges drifts away, presumably in some current. But if the current is slow then some retention would seem to make sense. And again, you end up with a scale problem. But presumably a few icebergs here and there in the slipstream between the ice cap and Norway could help keep them in. Or maybe not. But so far have not seen many ideas about making the polar environment more suitable to preserving ice. So maybe it is a dumb idea, but at least it is an idea.

So, to get to the point, I personally love the idea, and really do think it can make a difference, and that it offers an alternative. But it is a Big Idea. So make it a video game!

You can just imagine a computer simulation where the earth is boiling away and the only solution is to save the Polar Ice Cap. So you could speed it up, so each year goes by fast, and there you are running around with your tugboats trying to save the icebergs and save the planet.

So with a video game like this, if it became popular, you would end up with an entire generation of children convinced we need to Save the Icebergs. And that icebergs can save the planet too.

Likewise you would teach children about climate modeling and so forth, and could slip in some science too. And some of the drivers. So for example you could get the video game to create a new ice age too, if you could make the drivers complex enough. In any case though, just to get the idea to work you might have to cheat. Like make the icebergs easier to tow, or more reflective. Or maybe they cool down the air. Or maybe the sun needs to get chilled down a bit to get the model to work, or whatever, as long as it is not more than a little. And it is fun. Since can not imagine anything more boring in a video game then to do something and not have anything happen.

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10-31-20 - Forgot to mention folks keep talking about 10,000 icebergs. But don't recall whether that is in total or each year. Another useful number is the total kilometers of ice coming off of Greenland each year. Whatever that is. And also figure that each iceberg would have to get towed for probably a hundred miles or so, fairly slow. So it would take one tugboat a good four days to park any one particular iceberg in either Jones Sound or Hudson Bay. But these numbers sound pretty optimistic. Could easily see any particular iceberg turning into a two week project. So one tugboat might be able to capture and tow say 10 icebergs in a season.

Second idea there is to try to get Hudson Bay to freeze over all year, turning it into a gigantic space mirror during the summer. Presumably helping cool down the Arctic. So... instead of Jones Sound, or in addition to Jones Sound you float a bunch of the icebergs into Hudson Bay, which actually might be more practical than Jones Sound. Which probably won't do much. But couldn't hurt either. And could possibly make a difference if you ever reach a tipping point.

Nonetheless, think the logic of planetary engineering Hudson Bay is to drive out the salt water so it is mostly a fresh water lake. And you could probably do that with iceberg walls. And also keep in mind that you don't have to get it to stay completely frozen over during the summer to judge the project a success. Even if you can delay the melting by a week or so think it would still have a positive effect. In any case, think Hudson Bay is fairly shallow, so maybe a bunch of icebergs could actually do the trick and freeze it over. Who knows.

Also, think Hudson Bay is a good area to use as a carbon dump. Idea there is fairly easy. Chop down a bunch of trees, and float them into Hudson Bay, where they will eventually sink. Bye bye carbon.

Also, the iceberg towing looks like a great billionaires trick. Or publicity hound's trick. Just spend a few million renting out a tugboat for a few months during the summer. Then go grab the iceberg and float it where you want to. And Pierre Trudeau be damned. So there you get a reality TV show complete with Canadian helicopters and Coast Guard. Pretty exciting. Or maybe you get Trudeau's permission and get everybody psyched on icebergs. Since we are so over planking.

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11-02-20 - I was thinking about drifting the icebergs to shore, but then started worrying about the whales. Couldn't sleep... Then learned that the whales mostly like to stay close to shore. So put the iceberg platform in the middle. Other than that don't really see much of a problem of just drifting the icebergs around Hudson Bay, since it is so big. Once they are there, think they will stay there, without much trouble or harm. Even if they drift to shore. Though yes, some folks might consider them to be a hazard.

At this point it gets super cool. You can't have your evil genius HQ inside a real glacier, or a real iceberg, but if you only choose the best icebergs, and link them together, you can have a great HQ.

In any case, it sounds pretty easy and cool to stick the icebergs in Jones Sound. And it would be a great place to put your Iceberg Product Factory, especially your Sea Walls, that you tow around the Arctic Ocean to block and promote ocean currents, as part of your Planetary Engineering Project. Which mostly I see to block the Bering Strait. But could also help hold in the sea ice off Norway. You could make it big and anchor it down. Especially if you did something funky with the ice that you re-routed, like crash it onto the NE coast of Greenland. As part of some Zero Game. Where even the ice floes get recycled.

Hudson Bay is much harder, since the distances are longer. But looks like you could just attach robot outboard motors to them. And the motors wouldn't even have to be very big. Nonetheless, looks like the best place to put the icebergs is right in the middle. That way they will be more like an island, and cannot really be categorized as an environmental impediment at all.

From there, if you look at the space photos, the middle of Hudson Bay is still icebound, but very thin, as late as June 15th. And it doesn't start to re-freeze until October or so.  So even a week of extra summer Space Mirror is a good thing. Can imagine making your Permanent Space Mirror bigger and bigger by the year. With roughly 1000 Icebergs to the square mile. So it could technically get bigger by say 10 square miles a year, and after 100 years it would be 1000 square miles in size.

The entire project is easy to imagine too. -- Save the Icebergs - Build the Space Mirror - Right on Earth - The Chill Pill --  Where it can be like a religion, and doesn't have to automatically make economic sense. It does double-duty too. It fights ocean rise, and gives the earth a giant Chill Pill

Also think that once you drag the icebergs to the middle they will mostly just stay there for a hundred years or so. Or you should be able to anchor them easily enough. And if you got enough of them together you would even get an island.

Also think much of the trouble with icebergs is the upper portions. Which you should be able to knock off with a wrecking ball, if you don't end up cracking the berg. Other issue is underwater. I suspect that the salt water infiltrates the iceberg, and slowly disintegrates it. So after awhile the berg flips over more easily. Which would tend to ruin the whole idea of turning the berg into a sustainable and safe platform. But who knows. Maybe they can survive all on their own in cold water for a hundred years or more, or maybe not. Who knows.

If the bergs can survive though, and are not really damaged too much by the underwater stuff then you could make complexes on top. Like some big navy base or something.

In any case it does sound like an interesting world. But who knows, maybe it is just another Water World. And you could get Kevin Kostner to star in it

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11-02-20 - Was thinking about what you said about the chain across the Hudson River, and thought you could even turn moving an iceberg into a High School project. Though yes, you would have to hire the tugboat to do the initial capture. But once you got the iceberg inside of Jones Bay or Hudson Bay then if the currents are favorable or weak, then you wouldn't need the tugboat anymore and could accompany the ice berg the rest of the way pretty cheaply. Imagine 1000 HP of outboard motor, remote controlled, might do the trick. Perhaps a small barge. Plus climb on the iceberg, etc, if it is not too dangerous. And could get the Indigenous Indians to give permission for the iceberg to be brought to their lands, and tell Trudeau where to go.

That way you could get the project started without much hassle, and since it is a HS project or volunteer project of some type, then it might not be expensive at all. Perhaps less than a million in total to get the iceberg into Hudson Bay. Or perhaps even as little as $100k. And maybe you could even get Thule AFB to lend you their tugboat. Yes, Thule AFB has a tugboat. And as part of some PR campaign you get them to loan their tugboat to your HS project. So that makes it even cheaper. All you need now is an Engineering Professor, and you can turn it into Semester at Sea - Advanced Iceberg - Sounds like a sure money-winner to me.

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11-02-20 - This also looks like a project you could sell to Thule AFB. The issue is - How Long Do Icebergs Last in Freezing Sea Water - and What Happens to Them. Plus later, whether they can turn berg-complexes into remote bases. Why not.

Certainly Hudson Bay would make a great location for a Laboratory Site - Even though the water is somewhat fresh. And you could locate it next to any town where there is an airport. And presumably The Iceberg would become some pre-eminent focus of scientific study. And you could even host a convention center there. And then go party on the berg.

And one might question why. But one answer certainly looks to be to use the icebergs as some type of building material. And making Gigantic Sea-Train Ice-Walls sounds like a pretty good use. Especially if it can actually save the polar ice cap. And even if they are expensive, just having them is a pretty cool thing. Especially if they don't crumble after 10 years, and last a good 40 years without trouble. Then you could use the icebergs for some pretty serious Planetary Engineering Projects.

But again, even if it cannot save the planet all by itself, then all it has to do is show some demonstrable effect. Then say you won. And ask for more money. And turn the bergs into hotels and entertainment centers. And do a reality TV show. Plus rent out the bergs for movie sets. And set up some kind of Berg Program for colleges, say 2000 students. That you actually get paid to host. But whom you cruelly turn into berg grabbers, to bring back more bergs. Ha Ha. You turn into a berg monger. More bergs! Bring me more bergs!

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11-03-20 - With your chain idea, perhaps you could even make the chain a thousand miles long, or have sections between two bergs that are anchored say a mile apart. So here you can actually start to visualize gigantic clusters of ice floes piling up on the chains and becoming berg like all by themselves. Which you could then chain down, until you have a gigangic ice wall across the area where the ice drifts off. And save the polar ice cap that way. Just keep getting bigger and bigger chains, yes. And bigger and better floats too. Such as old oil tankers you could use in combination with the bergs to hold back the polar ice cap and prove Al Gore wrong

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12-10-20 - The Inuit People must definitely like icebergs. Who wouldn't? So naturally the Inuit People are within their rights to move icebergs around, here and there, to and fro, and nobody should get to say Boo. So this all leads to a wrap-around Big Idea, where the Inuit People shepard the icebergs into Jones Sound and Hudson Bay. But mostly Hudson Bay.

Here you can imagine an old Jalopy Cruise Ship, ready for the scrap-yard. But it still has its big monster engines to tow the icebergs around. And the passengers hang out, and it is a combination of a slow cruise ship, with inflatables to go zipping around in, and a work boat.

Then later, after you use up the cruise ship, and steal the engines to use for ersatz tug boats, you tow the old cruise ship over to the Bering Strait, to sink it, to help block the warm water, and help keep the Polar Ice Cap frozen over.

Sounds like a great summer jaunt. Go up to the Arctic, ostensibly to help Save the Icebergs. And have a great time on the cruise ship, that is getting used as a tug boat.

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12-14-20 - Looks like a scrap cruise ship is worth around $4 million. So can link them together into a sea-wall for around $25 million a mile. And can make a cruise-ship sea wall for the entire Bering Strait, for around $400 million. Plus additional costs.  Like ballast, to weight down the cruise-ships so they go at at least 50 feet deep, without risking capsizing. Maybe hang water turbines under them. With nice music to play for the whales. Basically turn them into big buoys. That part won't be cheap though. They'll last a hundred years or more.

Likewise, use the cruise ships as tug boats. Especially since they don't have to look pretty tugging icebergs around. And if one of them gets bonged by an iceberg then so what? Auntie Em! Auntie Em. Save me.

Bottom line is those cruise liners have serious horsepower and will have no trouble pulling those icebergs around. And are probably powerful enough to even be able to pull an iceberg-train. Plus they're so cheap! Can do the same thing with old warships, or old container boats, or old anything.

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12-27-20 - Thune AFB, now Space Force, could have a lot of fun with this Save the Icebergs meme. And explain to everybody that all they are doing up there is running around with icebergs. And there are more icebergs than they can handle. They are up to their eyeballs in icebergs.

What do you do? - I'm an iceberg tech
iceberg shipping clerk
iceberg renderer
iceberg pilot
iceberg tension modulator

I'm part of an iceberg extraction team.
I'm an iceberg compositor.
I'm an iceberg-train deployment specialist

What is that big radar dish for? - It is for keeping track of icebergs, and for using icebergs to help us calibrate our satellites - Oops! I shouldn't have said that. That's secret information. So please don't repeat it. Thank you.

What do you mean why? I have no idea why we are hauling those icebergs all around to kingdom come. Not a clue. But what I think they are doing is building secret bases inside those icebergs. Yep. That's what I think. Oh! Please don't tell anybody. It's secret. Thanks.

Ha ha. Not sure how long you can keep that one funny and silly, but you never know, especially since Thule AFB is up to its neck in icebergs. Perhaps they could keep the meme going for a long long time. And maybe even help motivate the idea for everybody else too.

Think the scrap cruise liner gig is a good idea too. Get a bunch of people to pay you to go on a cruise to capture an iceberg and tow it to either Jones Sound or Hudson Bay. Should be pretty easy. All you have to do is get the Inuits to invite you to bring your iceberg in. And get around the Canadian government. Anyway, it is probably more complicated, but that is how I see it. Be the First! Be the first to bring an iceberg to those two places. Make history. And make a movie about it, and charge people to help you become an Iceberg Monger.

Then if the Canadian Coast Guard shows up to stop you then you can turn it into a Free Willy. The iceberg doesn't want to melt. It wants to live! For the next 100 years! For the next 1,000 years!

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Save the Icebergs